Friday, April 8, 2011


From Poonam Pandey to the so called watchdogs of Civil society, anyone who goes against the system gets celebrity status in India.

I though, as usual, have a different take on the issue of Fight against corruption. I have issue at two places with this so called “Movement”.  One is the Cause itself and the 2nd is the method.  I would like to address the method first

India is an “Unnatural Country”. I have used words of Ramachandra Guha from his book "India after Gandhi". He along with many others have always believed that we are a union of many “countries”, each with its own language, culture, social fabric, etc. I know it is a cliché but I will use it. There is nothing in common of a person in Chennai with that of Srinagar. A man from Mumbai many times cannot even pronounce name of a person from Tripura properly. Very few people gave India a chance to survive. The basis show it shouldn’t have remained one. Yet 63 years and counting we are one country. We have shown the world true mean of another cliché “Unity in diversity”. Having said all that we have had our set of problems in keeping the country one.  Especially during the recent reorganisation of states crisis, we have seen people have taken regional stands which has threatened the sovereignty of India itself. Demands from Kashmiris and those from Chennai  are all well documented. Mumbai and Hyderabad have had their share of problems. Apart from the above we have fought almost 6 wars during this period.

Unlike our neighbours, Pakistan, we have done one thing right ensuring we are the biggest developing nation of the world.  We have kept our processes and our democracy intact. In fact I am sure most of you will agree that without democracy we wouldn’t have reached where we have. Yes we as a nation have made some mistakes in the past. But it is we who has done the same. Our leaders are elected by us every 5 years and we write our destiny. I am sure not many will argue the value “Democracy” has bought to us. Having said all that, if you read my previous blogs, I would be among the very few who actually don’t enjoy the decision of the masses. I am not fond of the choices this country makes. But then thats for some other day. We as a country, I am sure, are proud of our democracy.

The recent “Fight against corruption” movement is denting “Democracy” in its core and that is what I am not happy with. I will use three examples that I faced today

On the social networking site Facebook, I read this as status message from one of my friend, Atul Ravi. “Its incredible and so fascinating that Gandhian methods are still relevant. A man with no weapons has stood against high and mighty. Ladies and Gentleman please take a bow to the greatest man of our times-Anna Hazare Saheb”

Then I was forwarded a youtube link of a press release of the “Jan Lok Pal Bill” drafted and forwarded by so called who’s who of civil society. The link of the video is here This is a hate speech. Mr. Arvind Kejriwal very passionately, in the 1st minute of his speech says, PM and leader of opposition have vested interests in ensuring corruption is prevalent. If this is not denting the very pinnacle of democracy then what will be.

Then I also had my brother in law, Alok  who was debating with me on the issue and according to him 
“You say its like maoist movement except violence. Yes it is. So what is wrong? Do you support only one group of the freedom fighters between those who chose satyagrah like Gandhi or those like Bhagat Singh who decided to kill them before getting hanged? I support both. The question is, was it right as per the rulers of that time? The Britishers. No, obviously Gandhi was putting them on ransome so was Bhagat singh. Its just that it was easier for them to hand Bhagat Singhs and alike. Besides, in a blanket statement you have colored the whole maoist movement as something evil. Who are we to do that? do we even know what they are fighting for? If Kashmir becomes a free state tomorrow (which in all likely hood it will), aint the terrorist of today will become martyr tomorrow?”

Now just for ease of understanding for most of you, the 1st statement is by Atul Ravi, a Kashmiri Pandit whose family had to abandon Kashmir in the 90s. Interestingly, both Atul and Alok who do not know each other have same view on Anna Sahab. However on Kashmir violence I am sure, Atul will have a lot to disagree with Alok. That is complexity of India.

To me both of them are wrong. Both Alok and Atul forget there is a major difference from when we were fighting the Britishers and today. The problem that Mr. Gandhi had in pre 1947 era was fate of India was decided by “House of Commons” in London where we had no representation. We were “RULED”.  The stand of our leaders especially the revolutionary types was understandable then. I have never been a fan of Fast unto deaths but then at that time you could at least justify them.

Today things are totally different and my fear is people don’t appreciate or accept this. Please for God’s sake own up your government. Unlike in pre 1947 era, no one is ruling us. We are ruling our selves. Please read the previous sentence again because what I have found in the Genext- the youth is as if someone from a foreign country is ruling us. This is a process by which we elect our leaders and there is a process by which these elected members make legislation for the country. The govt which is executive, then executes the law made by the parliament.  If someone’s rights are violated, there is judiciary for that. There are various system for checks and balances. Again I repeat, your leaders have been elected by you.

If you have understood this only then read ahead. I couldn’t elaborate much as here I am assuming that people have read their civics. We also need to understand the mechanism present in the sytem when the legislative or executive fails to perform it functions. One of the easiest and most effective way to punish them is to keep them away from parliament when they come to you for election.

If one has understood the system, then one can easily understand that Shree Anna Hazare’s fast unto death is against the spirit of democracy. No individual can take government on Ransom and get his demands met. No matter how legitimate the demands may be. There is a way to put across demands and I am sure if they are correct, there are hundreds of methods one can get them implemented. We once gave in to the terrorists during the Kandahar crisis. We came out weaker and the incident haunts us to date. Lets not repeat that. Having built my case I am sure you have understood that we are on cross roads of history. If the govt will budge to “Fast unto death” or say “Maoist type violence”, this will set a very very bad precedence. An irreversible degeneration process will start. People argue that these are extraordinary times and hence require extra ordinary methods. No cause is bigger than the nation itself. Only if the nation survives, would question of corruption remain. If we listen to language of Mr. Arvind Kejrewal, he seems to be agent of some foreign country who intension is to destabilise the nation itself. When you target PM and leader of opposition with such hatred, you are romancing with the idea of Tahir’s Square. People forget political system of Middle East and India are quiet different.

Autocracy has no space in Democracy. Just because some individuals want a certain law and again I repeat no matter how legitimate their demands may be “Fast unto death” and violence have no place. In fact the way I look at it, both are the same. Peaceful protests, Cyber activism is ok. If you have people’s support go for Civil disobedience.

There is a view in public and a dangerous one. That is the problem of corruption is something created by the politicians. The astronomical figure of 2G scam seems to have got to people.

My take on this was and I put this on Facebook too
I sincerely feel fight against corruption is waste ..... I seriously enjoy getting away with Rs 100 been given to mama than a Rs 2000 traffic fine .... I enjoy a Rs 500 AC 1st class ride from Jhansi to New Delhi to Rs 1000 Ticket where I might not have got the seat any ways...... I enjoyed getting birth Certificate in 2 hours in Rs 250 when normal time is 7 days.....

The statement is cynical. I used my self as a metaphor for any normal Indian. We have been corrupt like  any other politician and the day we accept this fact, we might look at the problem a bit differently. To me that approach is required. 


One of my class mate from my school, Swati writes on my above stand
Vikas I have never supported corruption theoretically and practically, several incidences occurred where I had to give an immediate decision which decided my future, right from passing on my every proposal from one table to another for PhD or simultaneously alone procuring my fathers death certificate, I never spite of situations making me collapse but i feel light and happy now, because I believe that charity begins from home, every genuine act should begin from 'u' then it would be 'us' and finally the 'country', as a citizen of India we should shoulder moral responsibilities irrespective of anything, superunlike Your  stand!

No one should like what I said.... it was cynical. But do we know whom we are fighting. Corruption or the politician or the Corrupt politician. How many of us can say what Swati said. Not me.

No one is against law against but will it be effective if the people don’t understand that they cannot pass on the buck to the politician when they have been part of corruption in each step of their life.  Trust me hundreds of Jan Lok Pal will not resolve India’s issue of corruption. The epidemic is in the DNA of the country and it needs more of an inside out approach and not the other way round. We as a country cannot shy away from the same.

My problem with the movement is that hate speeches as those given by Mr. Kejrewal are sensational and they do nothing to address the issue of corruption.  When I said the Fight against Corruption is wrong, I meant the fight against only the political corruption is a waste. This is because the only thing targeted by Mr. Hazare and associates are politicians and bureaucrats as evident from Mr. Kejrewal’s hate speech. Infact even they will find a way out of any law. When shall we address the problem that lies within us. How many of us will not bribe a traffic poilice man with Rs 200 when the actual fine would be Rs 2000/-. How many of us will not bribe the TC in a train when you don’t have a confirmed ticket and you so desperately need the berth to sleep?  How many of us will wait for 7 days for a marriage Certificate when you need to fly next day to Dubai with your wife with the certificate?

We are a responsible 21st century super power and we need to act accordingly. We will continue having challenges but there is a way address the problems. I disagree to go the Anna Hazare way.

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